Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

July 31, 2008

Poison Ivy Madness

As most of you know I've been suffering from an allergic reaction from the poison ivy that I contracted over 10 days ago while hiking in a canyon in the Sandia Mountains.
I've always been super sensitive to poison ivy, but as I've gotten older this sensitivity has seriously a maddening state. I can truly say that I am extremely allergic to poison ivy because not only do I suffer from the typical bumps, welts and itching in the area exposed to the plant, but the toxins eventually travel all throughout my body and cause horribly itchy, swollen rashes and a fever.

I debated whether to post these photos and even talk about my poison ivy ordeal, but it's been so dibilatating this past week and I've been unable to even sit at the computer for more than 10-15 mins at a time before the discomfort drives me batty.
So, I've not been doing much posting, besides the awards, and I've not been outside or in the barn much either because the heat and the feeling of crawling flies makes it so much worse.
So besides sitting out with my chickens in the cooler evenings or spending a few minutes with my horse grooming her or picking out her feet, I haven't had many photo opportunities or anything interesting to blog about.

So here's a little of what I've been dealing with lately......

This was taken last Thursday, during the oozy, icky stage.
This was taken on Sunday, the day after the horse show. I ended up getting a terrible rash from the tape I used to wrap my leg so I could attend the horse show. Either I'm allergic to the adhesive in the tape or something else. But it was an extremely uncomfortable 3-4 days afterwards. Benadryl wasn't even much help.
This photo was taken 2 days ago. This is a spot on the back of my leg which has been really uncomfortable because it gets hot and moist back there and makes it difficult to bend my leg because of the rash and thickening and tightness of the skin as it heals.
Hey! Look! It's Zorro! This picture was taken today. The ooziness is gone, but the skin is rather bumpy, thick and still very itchy. As this area heals the toxins seem to be carried throughout my body and I end up in maddening bouts of itching anywhere on my skin: between my fingers, all over my torso, my arms, my thighs, my earlobes, and even my scalp. It's absolutely insane! At times I think someone should just wrap me up in a backwards white suit and toss me into a padded cell!
So, if I haven't been posting you know why.


Chanda said...

That sure looks like poison ivy to me. Bless your heart, it looks very bad. That can reallt start to make you very sick when it reaches this point. You can go to the doctor and recieve a shot-ouch!, but it will start to dry up in one day. We were just curious, why do you have to wrap your lewgs up for a horse show? Do you jump or ride english saddle. We have attended western horse sows often and we were just wondering.

Mark said...

So sorry about the poison ivy. I had a run in with poison ivy in May 2006 - never knew I was allergic - it was my first incident. I am much more careful when out hiking these days.
I hope this clears up soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh - ouch! That's horrible. :-(