Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 05, 2006

After the Fire

The 2-story green house across the street is ours....and yes, that's a For Sale out front. We had listed our house for sale in August, and then the hurricanes hit the Gulf and affected the gas prices and the economy, so we had trouble selling our house. As anyone can imagine, having a bunrt down house sitting across the street with views from almost all windows looking at the sinister looking shell of a house, was not a huge help in getting our house sold any quicker.

The family had went to live a townhouse in the same town, but the house was left in that condition for 2 months before any clean up was done. So, all the soot, burned pieces of paper and trash blew into ours and our neighbor's yards. And the smell of the garbage left in their fridge, in their kitchen and in the garbage cans was sometimes unbearable.

The house was also very spooky at night, and I felt the need to keep the curtains closed at night and avoided looking out my front windows almost always.