Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 18, 2006

Broken Pottery and Lessons Learned

We visit the feed store in Corrales several times a month to stock up on hay for the critters. For some reason, this time, Jackson and Jeremiah were overly active, fidgety, and 'out of their skin'. They didn't act the way they normally know how to act in a public place/store. It was if two bulls were gallumphing througha china store that day.

Jenna and I were looking at the chickens, and I heard a scuffling behind me followed by a CRASH! I turned around to find Jackson laying on the ground with a broken piece of hand painted pottery beside him......a $130.00 pottery planter....broken. He had been avoiding being pushed by Jeremiah, but didn't avoid the expensive piece of pottery.

hahaha! Ok. I'm bad. My first impulse was to run like hell. Fight or Flight, right? Then my brain started smoking and I realized that God had put this in our laps as a learning experience. Jackson started to cry. He felt awful. And one of the workers came over and said they'd go get the manager. Uh....why?
So the manager came out and didn't know quite what to say, so I grabbed the moment before she asked me to pull out $130.00 that I didn't have.
I asked if Jackson could work off his debt. Jackson was willing.
She hesitated at first, but was going out of town for 4 days and needed someone to water all of the nursery plants.

So, that is what we did. Every morning for 4 days we drove down to Corrales to water the plants. Jackson satisfied his debt and he and his brother learned a lesson along the way, too.

Odd thing that happened on the last day, though. The morning we drove down and across the Corrales Rd bridge it had been washed over with mud and debris from the rain storms. The TV stations were there and next door neighbors were having their yards cleaned out from all the mud that washed into their yards.
They had to tear down the bridge to do work on the canal and repair the bridge. The bridge was out of commission for over a week after that. It would have made trying to commute to water plants a trifle difficult.