Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 05, 2006

Christmas 2005

We spent our last Christmas in our South Carolina house in 2005. It was bittersweet for me. We had made so many special memories in that house. The house was filled with laughter and tears, struggles and successes. My daughter was born in SC. We have sweet wonderful friends in South Carolina.
We tried to make our final Christmas as special as we could, even with boxes everywhere, no family photos on the wall, as little holiday decor as possible, since we had to move on January 1st. John was still healing from the brain surgery and was still bald. But the boys worked hard at bringing joy into the house. I was able to find them a little Christmas tree to have in their room and they were thrilled about that.
Our cat, Oreo found peace and joy below the tree each evening. He had the true spirit of Christmas....and at least he wasn't trying to climb the tree, like he did the year before! hehe

And I couldn't help but gaze at my precious sons and my dear husband and thank God for my blessings. I almost lost most of my family in March 2005. I count my many blessings this year, for my family is truly blessed to have life and to be together.