Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 18, 2006

Turtle Snacks and Sibling as Friends

One of my most favorite joys in homeschooling is observing how my children enjoy each other and actually like being together. Public education has a tendancy to separate families by forcing them to be apart the major portion of each day, and then stealing more time via homework each night. Not to mention the obvious separation caused by peer pressures, "It's not cool to like your baby sister, or actually want to hang out with your parents". What's so good about locking kids up for 6-8 hours every day with kids their same age who have nothing but paper, pencils, a chalkboard, boredom and wild imaginations?

No. We did not bring our our precious children into this world to just send them away for strangers to take care of each day. God entrusted them to us to guide, teach, love, and enjoy. Which is what we intend to. Why should strangers be allowed to control the largest and best parts of our children's days?