Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

September 12, 2006

Handmade Paper

Making handmade paper is something else I'd been wanting to try at home for a very long time, but never got around to. So, I was very thrilled to see this opportunity offered in a Fun Shop this week.

The tubs each had a different recycled material inside which was mixed with water into a Slurry. The blue slurry was created from Uno cards, the white from cotton fibers, and the pink (which is what we chose) was created from greeting cards.

We dunked the screens into the slurry to scoop up the wet paper. This was Jenna's favorite part. Then we pressed out as much water as we could and flipped the wet paper onto a piece of wet felt.
We were then able to decorate it with items such as paint, glitter, seeds, leaves, aromatic herbs, colored paper bits, etc.
Above you can see our pink paper with the fern leaves, glitter and the flower seeds, which can be planted after the note card is received....just another way to recycle!

We also included some photos of some of the other's beautiful handmade paper designs, too.