Henna is a dye extracted from the leaves of an Old World plant of the loose-strife family, often used to tint the hair auburn.
I've always wanted to try Henna art and was thrilled to see it listed as a Fun Shop during the conference! Uniquely enough, the teenage artist's name who hostessed the Fun Shop, was Brenna. "Henna by Brenna". This funshop was very popular and I was so happy to participate.
One funny thing that happened while I was practicing on myself with my own designs, was that several new friends asked me if I would create designs on them, too!
So all of sudden I became an impromtu Henna artist! hehe
In the pictures above I am with Mindy, who has my design on her leg. And the other picture is with Sylvia, who has my artwork on her chest. Pretty cool!
I'm not so sure I was very talented, but I did my best and had a great time, too.
I tried to design something on Jenna...but even though her name rhymes with henna, too, she was not having that stuff on her skin.....maybe when she's older we can paint each other with henna.