Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

October 09, 2006

Goodbye Schubert

We discovered our dear, sweet Schubert dead in her cage this morning. She was fine last night, eating and begging for petting, which I gladly did. When I went to check on the 3 bunnies this morning, she appeared as if asleep, but she didn't move, which she always does when she sees me coming and thinks I may have treats or nose rubs.

When I reached down to touch her, her body was still warm, but she had stopped breathing and her eyes had that 'empty dead look". I knew she had passed away not more than an hour or two earlier.
I have no idea why. My theories is that she may have choked on the carrot, broccoli tops, or tomato I gave her the night before. John wonders if a black widow or scorpion stung her. I suppose we'll never know.

We buried her in the backyard. Jackson insisted on digging Schubert's grave all by himself. He measured the grave dimensions perfectly for Schubert's lop-eared large bunny size. And he carried her to the grave for burial. We cried alot. We said some prayers and shared last memories of her, too. And then we covered her up with the dirt.

Jeremiah created a cross for Schubert's grave and placed flowers and rocks all around. Her gravesite was really quite beautiful.
She was only 2 years old when she passed away. We had her for most of that time, after rescuing her from someone who had planned to release her into the woods if they could'nt find a good home for her. She had been an Easter bunny that ended up not working out. The kids lost interest almost immediately and the adults didn't have time to care for her.....well, they had thought Schubert was actually a boy. Which is why we had named her Schubert, after Franz Schubert, one of the boys favorite classical music composers.

Schubert was such a joy and so very special. Her name fit her. She was as big as life itself, with so much personality. She will be greatly missed. God Speed Schubert over the Rainbow Bridge. Hope you connect with your buddy, Lyra up there in bunny heaven. Enjoy jumping and digging over emerald grass and we hope you crunch a tasty carrot and think of us and how much we love you.

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