Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

December 29, 2006


I've enjoyed doing a daily check of "The Word of the Day" tag that I posted on the side of my Blog (below my tiger trio). Sometimes the word just cracks me up, like 'flibbertigibbet', some make me say, "Ah!", but I always enjoy adding to my vocabulary.

Yesterday's Word of the Day was "Bricolage", which means to construct something from available materials.
Of course, I had to tell my sons about this word and we got a laugh that they could use the word on their college applications. They could write, "I have extensive experience in automatic-binding bricolage of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS)materials......."

Of course, even though the word bricolage sounds so impressive, they would rather just be called "Bric-Masters' (mispelled on purpose, hehe)

By the way, did you know that:
*The Lego Group produces over 300 million miniature tires each year - more than any other tire manufacturer in the world.

*Six eight-stud Lego bricks of the same color can be put together in 915,103,765 ways, and just three bricks of the same color offer 1,560 combinations.

This is the airport set that Jackson received for Christmas (see he's performing aeronautic bricolage! hehe)
I spent several hours on the floor today acting as "BrickMaster's Assistant" sorting through almost 900 Lego pieces and handing the Brick Masters their requested materials. (And I did it with pure love, because afterwards my 40 year old body needed to be pried off of the floor with a crow bar! )
Bricolage activities
To tired after all that 'bricolaging'. But we got lots accomplished today and night. 900 plastic bricks and all those itty-bitty, oddly shaped plastic pieces is a lot!

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