(Click on the above cartoon to see it better) This was borrowed from the Tombstone Arizona Newspaper, where we plan to visit tomorrow!
Not a week goes by without someone walking up to Jackson, Jeremiah, John or I and bragging about how their children are 'like twins' because they look much alike, act so much alike, or were born a year apart, blah, blah, blah. It's annoying.
Twins are ONLY twins, when they share the same womb at the same time, and when they share the same birthdate. End of story.
Jackson and Jeremiah think that people who try to pretend that they are twins, by dressing alike when they are not twins, or who brag and say they are 'just like twins' because of whatever interests they share, are just envious because they wish they could be a twin or wish they could know what being a twin is like....or even because they wish they had friends or family members who are twins.
Like Jeremiah says, it's kind of lame and sad that people can't just be happy with who they are and their own specialness. That these people, who pretend to be twins, or 'like twins' have to fake being someone else and label themselves with something that they are not. We are each special in our own ways.
Why can't people who call themselves twins, but are not twins, just use their own label, why use a fake label? Why not 'Bosum Buddies', 'Best Buds', 'Kindred Spirits', Birds of a Feather', 'Two Amigos', 'True Blue Buddies', 'Forever Friends', Lifetime Buddies' and on and on......
Why use the word twin, when there are other REAL labels that can be used instead?
Yes, being a twin IS an amazing and rare specialness. But no matter what a non-twin, or someone who is not a parent of real twins does, they will never be a twin or a parent to twins, unless they were born that way or give birth that way. And it is unfortunate that they just don't get it nor see how pathetic, envious and desperate they look.
I tried to convince Jackson and Jeremiah that those people who are always trying to be like them, or act like them, or try to have some part of their 'twin-ness' are just wanting a little of the amazing twin aura and relationship. It's just like that famous quote: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
But Imitation is not REAL.
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